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16 September 2013

New Look Pattern 6198 by Simplicity

I had a wonderful time this weekend in Houston for my friend's baby shower! It was great to get back and see all my old friends that we had to leave behind when we moved to Midland a few months ago.

Anyway, for my gift, I made a little romper (New Look 6198) with a pocket on the front and a cute little stuffed animal giraffe (Simplicity 2613).

The romper is made out of a gingham print duck cloth, I believe. It's 100% cotton. I didn't make any alterations to the pattern at all! I cut the largest size that the pattern came with.

For the most part, I had no trouble at all with this pattern. The only thing that was difficult was the snap tape at the Midland (although I haven't ever looked for it anywhere else before) snap tape is impossible to find. I looked everywhere I could think of.

So I ended up making it myself. I used these snaps from Walmart and fashioned my own snap tape out of it. I guess that I should have made the tape a little bit wider because it was very hard to sew around the snaps. It's all jacked up down there.

I think the instructions said something about using an adjustable zipper foot, but I don't have one of those, so I had to just do the best I could with what I had!

Overall, I think that it turned out really cute!

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