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11 August 2015

I Finally get a Pay Raise! (Part 2)

So Cody walked across the stage in back in May.

This past weekend, Cody officially finished up PA school! They made it official on Friday night when they gave everyone their long white coats.

Cody's parents came into town, and even one of Cody's best friends, Austin, got to come! Cody's mom had a really cute cake made that she brought for us to eat after dinner that night as a celebration. Unfortunately, we went to eat dinner at Abuelo's and we were all too stuffed to eat cake when we got home. So we got to eat cake for breakfast the next morning :)

Cody ended up taking a job out here in Odessa, TX with a general surgeon so it looks like we will be West Texans for a few more years!

Here are some of the pics:

Cody and Austin in their White Coats! Austin graduated from Dental School recently!

I just had to show this picture of the roses Cody gave me for our 4 Year Anniversary :)

So many things have been happening lately for me and Cody ... July was a big month - we moved into a bigger apartment in the middle of the month and I had my 10 year high school reunion the same weekend as me and Cody became Aunt and Uncle! I also started studying for my PE test that I'll take in October, and Cody finished school, accepted a job... we have been busy!

And August has turned out to be pretty busy too, with Cody's white coat celebration, the new baby, studying, and last week, me and Cody celebrated 4 years of marriage!

We are so, so blessed!

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