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11 August 2015

I Finally get a Pay Raise! (Part 1)

Ladies and Gentlemen ......  can I get a drum roll please???


The best part about it? HE HAS A JOB LINED UP ALREADY! He'll start on September 1st! I am super proud of him. It's been a long time coming, and I know that he's worked extremely hard to finish strong and at the top of his class!

Just a couple months ago, in May he got to walk across the stage in Lubbock. Unfortunately, instead of a diploma, he only got a rolled up piece of paper because they all still had a couple more clinical rotations to finish before they were officially done. Cody did the benediction at the close of the ceremony and I think he ended up preaching just a little bit in the typical Cody fashion ... he did a great job.

The whole day was great. My parents got to come to Lubbock to celebrate with us and to show Cody how proud they are of him. We had lunch at a restaurant in town called Triple J's with my parents, Cody's parents, and Cody and Stephanie which was cool. They brew their own beer there and Cody got a bunch of samples with his food. That was about it... after lunch we went back to Cody and Stephanie's house and just chilled out for the rest of the day!

Here are some photos:

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