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18 December 2012

How To : Crochet Circle Scarf

I made another circle scarf over the weekend. I think that this is the best one yet! 

I'm going to attempt to briefly explain a how-to on this scarf. (I'm assuming that you already know how to crochet if you are reading this). I'm sorry if it doesn't make sense to you!

I used a thinner yarn and a bigger crochet hook...I'm thinking it's probably a 5 or 6 mm aluminum hook. The stitch is just a simple double crochet stitch, and I just made it long enough to go around my neck twice!

The dimensions are probably about 46 inches long by 5 inches wide, and I didn't even use the whole ball of yarn. If you are going to make one for yourself, I suggest that you start out with your foundation chain going the length of the scarf and then building it up to the width you want so that the edges will be nice and straight. I sort of messed up on mine because I didn't plan it out before I started, so it wasn't long enough.
See how the rows switch all of a sudden? This is what happens when you don't plan a project before you start. Try not to do this if possible.

Unfortunately, I had to switch and make shorter rows at the end to add the extra length I needed. Really, no one will notice when I wear it, but still, try and avoid this if you can!

To join up the ends and make it a circle, I think it looks the best if you just continue your stitch like you're making another row, but loop through the other end of the scarf, and then just tie it off when you complete the row!

You can see in the middle where the two ends came together.

I should say that the other important thing to try and do if you are crocheting anything is to try and keep the tension constant when you are making the stitches. In other words, keep all of your stitches the same. Don't let some be looser than others because this will cause your scarf to be uneven and possibly make it curl up, which you may want sometimes, but most of the time, I try and avoid from happening.

That's just a pretty picture :)

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