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11 December 2012

Catapult & Christmas

Last week was an exciting time at work! We had our first ever Catapult Contest on Thursday followed up by our annual Christmas party on Friday night. The party was a good time of food, friends, and fun! We had a DJ this year which I thought was fun, and I was very proud of myself for staying so long and dancing in my extremely tall and uncomfortable heels. My feet didn't start hurting until the second we left to walk back to my car.

Now back to the catapult contest...I wasn't on our catapult team, but I still went out to watch the action.

Each team got three throws and whoever threw a 4 pound ball the farthest won a trophy, and $100 a piece for each team member. I should point out that each team was given a $100 gift card to purchase materials for the catapult.

Needless to say after you see pictures of the structural team's catapult, I think that they just barely didn't break even. They spent a lot of money on supplies, but was it worth it? They did win, after all.

The winning structural team photo! 

 Preparing for the throw!

The anxious crowd waiting...

The Catapult...

A little video I put together of a couple of throws by the winning team.

My co-worker Nathan also made a longer video of all the teams which you can view here. Enjoy!

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