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27 December 2012

New Year Resolutions

I know this is a couple days early...but I decided to go ahead and make a post about the Mygrant's new year resolutions!

I've always made some kind of goal in my head for the new year, but I've never actually sat down and thought about what I really wanted to accomplish and written it out before. So on the way back to Houston after the holidays, Cody and I made a list together of things that we want to do! I wish we would have done this last year together. We sort of had some goals in our heads but we didn't write any of them out like this. Hopefully, it will be good for the both of us to get on the same page and have common things to work towards together!

The next step is to create a plan of attack to make sure that these goals get done, which I am currently working on. Some of the goals, like the financial one to be debt free by May, I already have a plan in place for. It includes the Dave Ramsey Debt Snow Ball which we have been doing for the past year and a half (and paid off more than $50k already!).

That's the problem with new year resolutions...everyone always just tells you to make a list of goals. No one ever tells you to think about how to achieve them which means they are often just words.

Cody has decided that he is going to give a copy of this list to his supervisor to help keep him accountable (they do things like that where he works at), so I have decided to post it to my blog so anyone who reads it can help keep me accountable. So here it is!

Happy New Year!

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