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04 December 2012

Crochet Circle Scarf

Over the weekend, I decided to try my hand at a crochet circle scarf. My sister told me that she wanted one for Christmas, but I had some doubts about whether or not I could do it because last year I tried to crochet a scarf and it took me a really long time.

Like 2 or 3 weeks.  

And Christmas is only a few weeks away and I still need to make some other stuff for the rest of the family! Well I had some left over yarn from last year, so I thought I'd just try it and see how long it would take. I was very shocked because I finished it in only a few hours! 

It was just going to be black, but I ran out of yarn and had to use the blue to finish it, but I thought it turned out pretty good.

I used a double crochet stitch for the whole thing.  I don't know if doing the double stitch helped me finish it faster or not...(the stitch is wider so I didn't have to do as many rows), but each stitch took a little longer than if I would have just done a regular crochet stitch.

So anyway, the moral of the story is that I think that I'll have time to make one for my sister! I just need to go get some yarn in the colors she wants.

Too bad it never gets cold enough in Houston for me to actually wear the scarf I made.

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