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29 November 2012


I've been wanting to try a quilt for a while, and on black Friday, me and my mom went to JoAnn's and they had all of their fat quarters as door busters for 99 cents each! So I picked out a bunch of them and decided to try a quilt.

So for my first one, I'm going with an easy square pattern. I cut my squares to be 9"x9". When I laid them out last night, I got 7 squares in each row and there are 9 rows. 

I've finished sewing the individual rows, next step is to sew the rows together. And once I'm done with that, I'm going to add a border of a giraffe print! I'm sort of just winging this quilt...I don't really know how big it will turn out to be, so I am waiting until I finish with the top part to buy the batting and the bottom layer. I think it will turn out to be really nice though!

Katniss was having a good ol' time pouncing on the squares and getting them all out of order! Bad kitty! But so cute :)

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