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23 October 2012

Cast Your Vote!

Do you normally vote in Presidential elections?

This is only my second time to be able to vote.  Last time, in 2008 I voted, but I didn't really think it mattered all that much to me.  But this election year, I have learned that every vote really counts and it's SO important that everyone does their homework, pays attention to the news, and goes out to cast an educated vote.  

I've never watched Presidential debates until this year, never really kept up with politics until now.  Maybe it's because I'm married to Cody so FOX News is constantly on at our house, or maybe it's because this is the first election that I actually have a job and am officially part of the 'middle class' America, and I'm now seeing the impact that governmental policies and decisions have on my life.

So last night, I found this website that has a schedule and a map of all the places you can go to cast your vote early in Houston.  Me and Cody will be going some time this weekend! 

Early voting ends on November 2nd!

Anyway, I don't want to get into my political views or anything, but I just hope that America will choose wisely who it's next leader is.

*cough* Romney *cough*




  1. You can educate yourself on all the people running, not just the presidents by going to the League of Women Voters website. This is specifically for Houston:

    But in all honesty, your vote really doesn't count in Texas for the Presidential election, only the local elections.

  2. I will definitely be voting - but PA doesn't have early voting! :/
    Thanks for sharing!
