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29 October 2012

Her Unwelcome Inheritance

This Sunday a couple was interviewed in our Young Married Sunday school was the typical questions - where are you from, how did you meet, what do you do, etc.

Anyway, I was surprised to hear that the husband of the couple is an aspiring writer, and has written an actual book you can buy for E-readers! The book is called Her Unwelcome Inheritance, and it sounds like the sort of book that's right up my alley (fantasy genre). I'm planning on reading it after I finish up with the book I'm currently reading.

Just another motivation for me to continue writing my own book and someday get it published too! (I even wrote a couple paragraphs during my lunch break at work today.)

I've been on a 'discover my passions in life' kick lately.  Cody and I attended this successful living seminar that Hotze put on for it's guests and it was all about figuring out what your unique abilities are, and then trying to determine how to best use them to create your dream job, or to just be able to use them in your day to day life to make you a happier person.

My problem is that I'm often unsure of what my unique abilities are, and sometimes I feel like I just don't have any because I can't figure out what I really love to do.  I feel like the things I like to do are just hobbies and they won't ever be able to help me make a living.

Does anyone else ever feel that way?

So after the seminar, I was talking to Cody about it and he helped me figure out that one of my unique abilities is possibly writing. I've always enjoyed writing - I always made pretty good grades on all the essays I had to write in high school, and I was always the group member in college who would write up the reports after we finished a project. I also like to take things that other people have written and re-write them in a way that makes it easier for other people to understand.

I've also been trying to write my book for a couple years now, off and on, and I enjoy writing, I just haven't had the sort of time I've needed to get a lot done.

So the morale of the story is that I'm going to try to finish my book by next summer!

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