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18 October 2012

You Don't Have The Right

I've been reading a book in my Bible study group called Lies Women Believe and the Truth that Sets Them Free by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.  The book goes through several different lies that women hear and believe in their lives that just aren't true, and it gives scriptures that show where we can find out the truth about those lies.

Anyway, the lie that I read today was interesting to me, it is this:
In truth, when we believe this statement, it can lead to all sorts of unhappiness in our lives whenever these 'rights' are violated.  The book also says that healthy cultures are not built on the claiming of rights, but on the yielding of rights.

I believe this is true! And it got me to thinking about the political scene today.

People today are so entitled.  They think that they deserve the right to a free education, to own a house, drive a new car, to have all the luxuries of the "American Dream" but they don't want to actually work for any of it.

And look where this has gotten us. We have a President who has tried to give everyone those rights, even if they can't afford them - and in the process doubled, if not tripled, our national debt, increased the number of people without jobs, raised the prices of gas, food, and other essentials, lowered the standard of health care in this country, and allowed illegal citizens to remain in the country while reaping the benefits of all his handouts.

The President's problem is that he believes this lie!  He believes that everyone has the right to all these things when they really don't! And it's destroying our country.

I thought the American Dream was based on hard work and effort to make your dreams and goals come true, not to have things handed to you.

In order to solve our problems, I think that more people should yield their rights to all the handouts and breaks that they expect from our government, and start working towards ensuring that they can take care of themselves - whether that means taking a few years after high school to save up money for college tuition, living in an apartment for a little while to save money for a house, quit spending money on brand name clothing items for your kids so that you can afford to put food on the table, prioritizing your household budget to make sure you can afford your health care on your own, etc.

Don't you think that this might take some of the strain off of the government?

To me, this is just common sense, but I guess that a lot of people just don't understand.

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