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07 August 2012

Anniversary Weekend Notes

Well, me and Cody have officially made it for ONE whole year as a married couple!  We celebrated this weekend with a trip to Fredericksburg, TX.  We stayed in a cute little bed and breakfast, and on Sunday went on an all day wine tour!

Here are some pictures from the B&B we stayed in:
You can tell that this house is old because of the windows that open above all the
doors in the house.  This was the heating/cooling system back in the day.  
The Nevels House Bluebonnet Suite

On our wine tour, we visited 5 different wineries of the area.  First off was Messina Hof, then Rancho Ponte, next Hilmy, Becker, and last of all Grape Creek.  Out of all of them, I think that my favorite wine came from Messina Hof, but there was a Muscato from Hilmy that was really good too.

Yes, that is a $105,000 bottle of wine from Messina Hof! 
The maker of the wine at Hilmy signed a bottle for us, and showed us the back room where
they make the wine!
We even got to see some grape vines...
By the end of the day, I was blitzed...and I now know what a wine hangover feels like.

Monday morning, before we left Fredericksburg, we drove out to Enchanted Rock to check it out a little bit.  We really didn't have enough time to stay there long, but we did a short little hike.
Enchanted Rock
Finally, on Monday night we wrapped up the weekend by having a nice dinner at Brenner's Steakhouse in Houston.  It was de-lish.  That's all I have to say about that.  
That's the most expensive dinner Cody and I have ever shared together!
We started out with cocktails, and our waiter made me a cucumber mojito.  Excellent.  Then, for our first course we had soup that was made with asparagus (thats the only ingredient I really remember...) but it was awesome!  The entree that I selected was a chicken picatta with pasta, and Cody picked fillet mignon which came with mashed potatoes.  

So. Good.

Then for dessert, we had a chocolate mousse cake with ice cream.  And of course we also had some wine with dinner, except Cody had to finish mine because I was the DD.  Cody finished off his meal with a shot of espresso.  

Can't forget to show off my new bling from Cody!  Emeralds, my birth stone!

And that's how ya do it folks!

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