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19 July 2012

Time for Some Projects!

I have been so motivated lately to start some new sewing projects thanks to this girl.  She has an awesome blog and is very talented with a sewing machine!  She even makes some of her own patterns, which I have done in the past too!

I made my own pattern for this red cape:

Anyway, last night I did something crazy and spent a little money on a new sewing machine!  The one that I was using is really old, and I'm afraid each time I use it that it won't start due to a shorted power cord all wrapped up in electrical tape...

This is the new machine:

I'm so excited!  I just want to go home and play with it!  I'm going to try and really learn how to sew some of my own clothes and bags....and I'm thinking that I may try making some of my very own tutorial posts if anything turns out decently!

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