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08 July 2012

Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Dip

Finally!  A healthy dessert recipe that actually turned out tasting GOOD!  (I have tried multiple different 'healthy' dessert recipes this week that have Not turned out good...)

Thank you Chocolate Covered Katie for this delicious and healthy dessert recipe!  Cody and I will enjoy it throughout the week!  See here for this recipe in case you would like to recreate it for yourself ;)  Since we are on the yeast free diet still, I substituted sweet and natural (xylitol) for the sugar.

I can't believe that it actually tastes like cookie dough.  The ingredients call for one can of chick peas among other various ingredients...who would have thought that would be good...

And tonight at the grocery store, Cody and I found these cool little jelly jars on sale!  I feel like I should tie a bow around the top of the jar or something to celebrate that I finally found a dessert that actually tastes good and that is healthy.

Cody even likes this, so I know it's good.

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