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01 July 2012

Deviled Eggs!

Who doesn't like a good deviled egg?  I used to never eat them (I had a very picky set of taste buds growing up), but I love them now!  Every year around the holidays Cody's mom makes them, and that's the only time I've ever eaten them.  So I decided to make some of my own (using her recipe).  These eggs are completely yeast free.


   4 Hard Boiled Eggs
   1/2 Tablespoon Mustard Powder
   1 Spoonful Vegenaise (Soy Free)
   1 Packet Sweet & Natural


Step 1 - Place 4 eggs in a bowl and cover with water.  Bring the water to a boil, and let them go for about 25 minutes.  Then pour out the hot water and run cool water over the eggs.  (I usually dump in a little bit of ice to help them cool).  Next peel the eggs (I find it useful to peel them while they're still in the water to help the shells come off easier.

Step 2 - Cut the eggs in half and remove the yolks in a separate bowl.

Steps 3 & 4 - Mash up the egg yolks with a fork and add in the vegenaise, sweet & natural, and mustard powder.  Sweeten to taste (I like them to be more sweet).

Step 5 - Spoon the yolk mixture into a plastic baggie and cut the corner off to squeeze the mixture back into the eggs.

Step 6 - Sprinkle paprika on top and you're done!

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