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25 June 2012

Yeast Free: Day 1

Well, today marks day 1 of the yeast free diet that Cody and I are doing.  For at least 2 months we are going to be sugar, bread, and dairy free!  I think it is going to be difficult for me to give up sugar, but I'm determined to do this diet right to get rid of all the yeast in my body so that I can be as healthy as possible.

We're also going to be recording our weight and measurements during the two months to see what changes happen!  I'm still going to be keeping my usual exercise plan which includes Body Pump and Zumba twice (sometimes 3 times) a week and hopefully also some Yoga in there somewhere.

I'm going to try and post what I'm eating for breakfast, lunch, and dinner to show everyone that it's not really that hard to eat this way.  It just involves doing your own cooking instead of getting all the frozen and processed foods.

Cody and I are prepared to sacrifice 30 minutes of sleep each morning to wake up earlier to cook breakfast instead of skipping it or choosing unhealthy options that might be hiding around the office when I get to work (do-nuts and kolaches anybody?).  And we're ready to spend that extra time in the kitchen every night to make a fresh dinner together.

This should be a fun two months!

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