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21 June 2012

Laptop Lunches!

Look at what I just came across!  After my doctor visit to the Hotze clinic, they gave me a copy of their Optimal Eating Program book which talks about the yeast free eating program, and they had a link to a website called Laptop Lunches.

The main product is a lunch box with smaller portion sized containers that all fit together inside the box to help you portion out your lunch to make it as healthy as possible!  And you can pick from several different colors and options of bags to carry it in.

I'm very excited to get mine!  I ordered one for Cody also, so he can have a real lunch box instead of the bowl thing that he uses to carry his lunch in now.

It is very hard for me to get motivated to do something new.  Take for example, exercising.  I have to trick myself into thinking that I want to go sometimes by buying a new exercise outfit so that I'll have something to look forward to at the gym!

I think it's the same sort of idea with these lunch boxes.  I know that I need to start eating a more balanced lunch at work, but it's so hard when I go to the store over the weekend to plan out how I am going to eat and then I usually just give up and throw a lean cuisine in the basket which probably isn't the healthiest way for me to be eating.  But now, since I'll  have cool containers to put my food in, I'll probably be more outgoing and buy more fruits and veggies to stick in them, knowing that I will actually take it with me to work and the food won't be wasted!

Maybe I'll even give lunch meat another chance.

Check out a free E-Book that they sent after I ordered a lunch box!  There are tons of lunch ideas inside for each season of the year!

1 comment :

  1. Summer - Laptop LunchesJune 28, 2012 at 12:29 PM

    We're so glad that you found our product and that it's been an inspiration to eat more nutritious lunches. Please let us know if there is anything we can do for you in the future. For weekly menu ideas and even more inspiration, be sure to sign up to receive our weekly menus from our home page: and join us on Facebook:
