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30 May 2012

Back to the Gym

Can you make New Month Resolutions?

Cody and I just got back from a nice long Memorial Day weekend in S-Town yesterday, and after all the food I ate, all I can say is that I am for real gonna get back into the gym thing during June.  

I've been pretty lazy lately and I have noticed it in my mid-section.  So on the drive home yesterday, I downloaded all the exercise class schedules from the gym and planned out my week with classes that I'll be attending.  Cody may even join me once a week in Body Pump class!  

I also hope that Cody and I can continue going out to play some tennis together once a week.  I've been really enjoying that time, and hopefully I can get a little bit better at tennis which would be awesome!

And finally, we are also going to give the whole Yeast Free Diet a proper try this month since when we tried it a few months ago, I was cheating from day 1.  

We Have Missed All Our Pets from Home!!

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