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30 March 2012

Been a While...

My Attempt at the Katniss Braid...I wish my hair was still long!

Oh, goodness.  It's been so long since I've posted!  I've wanted to, I just haven't had anything really to talk about lately.

But let me just say, last weekend I went to see the Hunger Games TWICE!  And I loved it both times!  I am so obsessed with the idea of that movie.  Like I want to go out into the woods and shoot something with a bow and arrow.

I think that I just love any store with a female hero.  I want to be strong like that.  I want to be in shape, and be able to take care of myself, and be able to survive on my own.

Oh, I just thought the movie was so good!  Jennifer Lawrence did a great job playing Katniss.  I did not get emotional (aka start crying) whenever I read the book.  I'm not going to lie, I was getting emotional at the movie!

I didn't think about what a huge sacrifice Katniss made whenever she volunteered for her sister whenever I read the book, but watching the emotions on her face during the movie whenever she got up on that stage and realized what had just happened, and what it probably meant for her was just amazing.

Gosh, I could keep rambling on about how good I thought it was, but it would get old.

I don't know, it just makes me think about sacrificing my life for someone I love and whether or not I'd actually be able to do it.  And then, it makes me think about Jesus' sacrifice that he made for the whole world, and then I really get emotional.

Anyway, the moral of the ramble is that if you haven't seen the Hunger Games, you should go see it!

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