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12 January 2012

Sugarless Cookies??

Sugar-Free, Yeast Free, Peanut Butter Cookies
Did you know that you can make your own flour out of oatmeal?  I didn't until I came across a recipe for some oatmeal pancakes a couple weeks ago.  Since Cody and I decided to try the yeast free diet for a couple months, we had been eating oatmeal and eggs for breakfast.

Eggs, I can only do so many times in a row before I begin to hate them, and I never liked oatmeal to begin with.  Tastes like paste to me.

So I found a recipe for oatmeal pancakes that actually sounded pretty good, but it calls for oat-flour.  It is so easy to make too!  You just take some of the oats that you would usually use for your oatmeal and put it in a food processor and just mix it until it becomes the consistency of flour.

And it smells pretty good too...

Check out the recipe here.

After making these pancakes a couple of times, I decided it was too much work to do for a work-day morning.  So after looking through a recipe book Cody brought home from the Hotze Clinic, I found a peanut butter cookie recipe that called for oat flour.  Cody actually was the one to suggest I make a bunch of them and then take them for breakfasts in the morning at work.  (They have no sugar!!)

Here is the recipe:

1 Cup Peanut Butter
2 Cup Oat-Flour
1 Cup Oil (This replaces the butter...we used coconut oil from HEB that looks like vegetable shortening)
2 Tsp. Baking Powder
2 Tsp. Salt
Vanilla Extract

Mix together Flour, Sweetener, Baking Powder, and Salt in a medium sized bowl.  In a separate (larger) bowl, blend together the Peanut Butter, Oil, and Vanilla Extract.  Then slowly add in the dry ingredients until fully mixed.  

Bake cookies at 375 Degrees for 10-15 minutes (it's ok if you leave them in a little long).  


  1. These sound pretty good! What did you think? Did it fill you up for breakfast? I think I'll give them a shot, because I need to use up some of these oats I have stored away. Thanks for sharing!

  2. I think they taste pretty good. The cookies are a little bit crumbly at first, so make sure that you have something to catch the crumbs! They are pretty filling...I usually take 3-4 of them with me when I'm having them for breakfast.

    But, yes, it is a great way to use up some of those oats!
