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09 January 2012

It's Been a While!

Well hello there!

It has been a while since my last post. I don't know why, either I don't have much to say at the moment...or life is going by to quickly to post about it!

This weekend, Cody and I had a visit from the in-laws. It was a great weekend! Friday night we went out to eat Mexican food...(quickly becoming a family tradition for whenever we have visitors from home).

Then on Saturday I took Cody's mom and his sister, Stephanie, shopping! We went out to the Hwy. 290 outlet mall. I'd say it was a good shopping trip. There is a Fossil shop there, and I found a bag on sale (like 50% off sale!!) that I've been wanting for a while! Needless to say, I bought it.

Hello, My Pretty!
Cody and his dad stayed behind at the house and did some much needed yard work. The only time that stuff ever gets done is whenever Cody's dad is in town. They also ran a few errands and did some looking around of their own, and they ended up getting a little charcoal grill for us! Later that night, we went to the grocery store and got some hamburger patties, asparagus, and red potatoes to grill out.


We were sad to see them go on Sunday, but also glad to get some time to relax at home for a good ole' Sunday afternoon!