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29 December 2011

Yeast Free?

A few weeks ago, Cody said that he wanted to do a yeast free diet at the beginning of the year.  In case you don't know, yeast is either in pretty much everything you eat, and the other stuff you eat that doesn't have yeast probably promotes the growth of yeast, so in order to kill it, you have to quit eating it all.

The foods that are acceptable to eat are meat and vegetables.  And there are even some vegetables to avoid.  And, of course, you can't get rid of the yeast altogether by just stopping the consumption of it - there's a supplement regimen you need to do also.

I think this may just be a trick to spend money on supplements and medicine.

LOL, not really.  

The thing that I'm going to have a problem with is giving up sugar.  Everyone knows that I have pretty much the biggest sweet tooth in the planet (just ask Cody and my mother).  This means that I have to also stay away from the printer area at work because every week people bring in sweets or breakfast foods that aren't good (like donuts and kolaches).  It is very difficult for me to say no to these foods.

Luckily, this diet is only strict for a few months, and then you can start incorporating some stuff back in.  And I am sort of looking forward to it a little bit...Cody has told me that some of the women he knows from work who have tried it have ended up loosing a few lbs.  Having a job where I sit behind a desk all day long has caused me to gain just a few pounds (even with exercise 3 times a week), so I'm looking forward to those maybe going away again.  


To make a long story short, I can't wait for March 31st to roll around whenever I can make a big batch of cookies to eat very slowly throughout the week (as opposed to all in one night).

1 comment :

  1. After New Years last year, my Cody and I did the Daniel Fast for a couple of weeks. It was difficult to give up sugar and bread (for Cody it's difficult giving up milk and Dr. Pepper), and meal prep took a little longer. But we both agreed that we felt better in those two weeks than we have in a very long time! I plan on doing it again this year and now I have a few Daniel Fast cookbooks to help.
