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19 December 2011


Every year around Christmas, my family on my mom's side gathers together for a little get-together.  This year, it was at my Aunt and Uncle's house in Spring.  I always try to dress up a little bit for these things and this is what I came up with this year!  I found a sparkly blue sequin top at Sears a few weeks ago for $12!  So I paired it with some skinny jeans (Levi's) and a maroon sweater from New York and Co.  And of course my boots completed the outfit.  What do you think?  

I also found some sweet gold nail polish at Ulta last weekend.

Here's a couple pics I snapped at the Christmas party.  Santa showed up and everything!

Santa!  To the right is my cousin with his kids Ty and Laney, and Brinkley sitting next to them on the stairs.
 So that was on Saturday night.  After that little shin-dig, my parents and my sisters all came to spend the night with me and Cody in Houston and on Sunday morning, we woke up early and drove over to Beaumont to spend the day with family on my dad's side.  This was a special get-together because it was the first time in a while that we've done it.

Used to, we would always spend Christmas Eve with them, but ever since my grandparents passed away we haven't been able to come together.  The tradition was that my grandma (Big Mamma) would fry up some shrimp and we'd have that with fries and macaroni and cheese.  This year, we had pretty much everything but the mac-n-cheese.

Christmas with the Jessen's
I know it's a little late, but since my parents came down to visit this weekend, I had my mom bring my little Christmas tree that she had bought for me several years ago whenever I went to college.  (I've never used it before until now though...).  So Saturday night, I set it up and put all of my ornaments on it!

My and Cody's First Christmas Tree Together :)
What a special weekend!  I hope that next weekend in Sherman is just as fun!


  1. Love it! I hope you have a great one!!

  2. I like that gold nail polish! I have one similar from OPI called 'Curry Up! Don't Be Late!"
