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11 December 2011


Lately, I've been feeling crafty!  A few weeks ago, me and Dana went thrift store shopping and I found a red dress that was too long, BUT, it was only $2!  So I bought it thinking that I might trim it up a little bit someday.

Friday, was that someday!  I hemmed the dress up and made it wearable!  I think it turned out pretty cute (see the picture above).

And then, I had bought this fabric a long time ago with Cody, because I had been wanting to make an apron for myself.  I finally got around to it tonight.  I made the pattern and sewed the whole thing from scratch!  I even put a little pocket on the front!  Isn't it cute?

What do you think?

On Tuesday, our small group is meeting up to decorate Christmas cookies and I think it will be the perfect chance to use it for the first time.

I also made some other stuff this weekend out of some yarn that me and Cody bought the other day, but I can't put up any pictures of that stuff yet because I am planning on using them as Christmas gifts!  So after Christmas is over, I'll post some pictures of that stuff.


Life is pretty sweet.

1 comment :

  1. That apron is so cute! You're so good at that stuff =) ... and I absolutely love the fabric!
