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21 March 2015

Fredericksburg, TX

This year for Cody's last Spring Break ever, we decided to do something fun and go to Fredericksburg, TX for a couple days with my parents. We reserved a couple rooms at the Country Inn & Cottages which were actually pretty nice! A nice King sized bed to sleep in at night, a room with AC ... what else could you ask for?

We had some time in the morning before we went on our wine tour so we shopped around a little bit downtown. The first store we went in was a candy store, with lots of fudge! So good :)

Then we set off on our wine tour. We have always used Texas Wine Tours. They have great drivers that are very knowlegable about the wine industry and they can answer just about any of our questions. We did our wine tour on a Monday so we were the only ones on the bus.

Our first stop was Grape Creek Winery. This is one of my and Cody's favorites! While we were there, Cody finally convinced me to become a member of their wine club so now they'll send us bottles every few months! I'm actually sort of excited about this. I can't believe that my mom actually tasted the wines, she's not a big drinker. Since there were only 4 of us, we got done with our tour early, so we got the driver to take us back to Grape Creek at the end and we all shared a bottle of the Cuvee Blanc that we tasted earlier.

The second winery we visited was a small one called Hilmy. I usually really like this winery, because they make a really good sweet one that I like. Sadly, they had sold out of all the wines really fast that I like to enjoy, so we got to taste some of the drier ones. There was one I liked called DooZwaZo, and their Tempranillo was also good for a red wine (I'm not a fan of reds). The other cool thing about this winery is that they use farm animals to control their insects as a pesticide. So they have big dogs and chickens and goats and roosters roaming around all over the place.

The last winery we went to was called 4.0 Cellars. This one has 3 different wine makers that sell their wines there, Brennan Vineyards, Lost Oak Winery, and McPherson Cellars. We got to pick a menu, they had 3 to choose from. I chose the sweet wine menu. I think thats the one my parents did too, but Cody being Cody chose the 'All Red' tasting. I think that we ended up buying a moscato from this place. They also had cheeses there that you could sample and buy if you wanted. We sampled, but didn't buy any.

All in all, it was a really fun weekend! I'm glad we got to spend some time with my parents, and since things have been really busy for me at work lately, it was nice to get a little bit of a break!

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