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21 November 2013

After a Fashion

After much thought and consideration, I've decided to change the name of my blog.

Stephy-Do was always supposed to be a temporary name anyway...I didn't really ever like that name (I felt it was childish) and I wanted something a little more grown up, and something that would make a good brand name for my future crafting/sewing business.

I am not gifted at naming a future small business. I have struggled to come up with something original that also fit me and what I want my business to be about.

So the name I came up with is "After a Fashion."

I think that this name is really cool. I'm an engineer, and I design steel structures and concrete foundations. I wanted to incorporate this somehow into my brand name because it is, after all, my background! But everything I came up with that had the word 'engineer' in it sounded wrong. My business is not an engineering company.

To fashion means to put something together, or to build something. And it also has to do with style!

I also like to thrift and re-fashion clothing items, and I thought this was a good name for that too!

So I am trying it out for a while to see.

Let me know any thoughts or suggestions!