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12 August 2013

Summer Mummers

This weekend, Cody and I experienced some of Midland's traditions. A couple months ago, I bought tickets to Summer Mummers.

The show was held in Yucca Theater in downtown Midland. This theater is pretty cool - the inside of it is all old-timey with the balcony and everything!

Summer Mummers is a melodrama with the classic hero, heroine, and antagonist. I think the theme is different every year, but it's always the same basic story where the hero has to come in and save the heroine from the antagonist.

So this years theme was a magic show. The hero was a good magician who gets transported to Midland from Las Vegas by the antagonist (an evil magician). So the hero gets to know West Texas and Midland and is invited to have his own magic show at the Yucca Theater by the owner who is the heroine.

Yadda, yadda, yadda, you know how it goes. The antagonist gets jealous of the hero's new magic show and comes to Midland to hold the heroine captive and try to take over the show.

So part of the Summer Mummers tradition is popcorn wars. Everyone gets these huge bags of popcorn and whenever the bad guy comes out, you're supposed to throw popcorn at him.

But really, people just throw popcorn at other people.

Whenever people would run out of popcorn, they made hats out of the bags. These guys in front of us had their popcorn bag hats on and were dancing around during the intermission. Pretty entertaining.

I had a huge bag of popcorn dumped on my head by a complete stranger.

Not gonna lie, I wasn't the biggest fan of that...there was SO much popcorn.

It looked like snow, and this isn't even at the end of the show. This was the end of the first act!

Did I say there was a lot of popcorn?

Cody was sad at how much popcorn was wasted. I don't think I saw him throw one handful...I think he ate a whole bag by himself.

Overall, the show was entertaining, however, it was sort of ruined for me by the people in front of us WHO WOULD NOT SIT DOWN!!!  It was so annoying! I couldn't see anything that was happening on the stage while they were standing up.

I threw lots of popcorn at them.

It was a good memory of our lives in Midland though :)

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