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27 July 2012

Blog Make-Over

My blog is getting a make-over.  I'm not through with it yet, but I've made some progress!  I created my own header bar with links at the top to all my pages!  I'm pretty happy with it so far.

I found this great website Something Swanky that has some great tutorials for diy blog design.  In other news, I finally finished my first skirt!  I'm pretty happy with it, but there are some things that I don't quite like about it.  Hopefully, I can do better next time!

And I learned how to use the zipper foot on my sewing machine!  It took me about 2 hours of frustration a couple nights ago of doing it completely the wrong way, but when I finally figured it out, it was like magic!

Anyway, let me know what you think about my new blog design in the comments!!

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