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05 June 2012

Wuthering Heights

I finally finished reading Wuthering Heights!

I thought that it was a pretty good book.  At first it was hard to get started, but after I got into it, it started to get better and better, but it was not what I was expecting.  I thought it was going to be this epic love story and that I would really fall in love with the characters, but it was sort of the opposite for me.

I kept trying to like the main characters, but I just couldn't do it.  I thought that Catherine and Heathcliff were selfish and in general not very good people at all...I felt pretty badly for Catherine's husband and her sister-in-law for being put through what they went through.

I'm thinking about watching the movie they made back in the 1990's.  After reading the book, I think I want to watch the movie like we did back whenever we were in school after finishing a book.

I think that next I will try reading Frankenstein.

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