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06 June 2012


This morning I read through Numbers Chapter 11 (that's the 4th book in the Bible in case you don't know).  In this chapter, the Israelites are still wandering in the desert after the Lord brought them out of Egypt and they begin to complain to Moses that they only have the Manna which God provided them to eat instead of meat.

They thought they were happier and more satisfied being in slavery in Egypt because at least they had food to eat.

But this made God very angry.

So after hearing Moses on the people's account, God told Moses that he would provide meat for the Israelites to eat for a whole month, until they got sick of it and wished they didn't have any more.

Anyway, so God fulfills his promise and sends a bunch of quail close to their camp, but all the quail has already died by the time they get there.  The Israelites don't have to do any work in hunting it or anything, and they quickly gather it all up and start to feast without thinking about whether or not it would be good for them.  Since the quail had already been dead it had gone bad, and everyone in the camp got sick.

God was trying to teach them a lesson, I think, that what He provides is enough.

I think we can all apply this to our own lives in some way or another...God's provision is enough.  I know I've been guilty before of saying that if I could only make more money, I could pay off my loans quicker so we can start saving up for the things we want.  I even make other excuses for wanting to have more money, like saying that I want to be able to give more money away, which isn't really a lie, because I do want to be able to help people and tithe more money.  But, I am selfish, and a lot of the things I want to do with my money will only benefit Cody and me.

So to combat our selfish attitudes, I think that our prayer for the day (and really for the rest of our lives here on Earth) should be that God would reveal to us that his provision for our lives really is enough, and that we would be satisfied and thankful to God for what we do have, and that God would change our hearts to make us more compassionate for others.

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a right spirit within me.
                                                                                                       - Psalms 51:10

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