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14 April 2012


When I was in school growing up, I always hated reading books for English class.  I did not enjoy reading the things that they made us read.  Things like The Scarlet Letter, Pride and Prejudice, Macbeth, Hamlet, etc.

But since I've gotten a little bit older, and I have enjoyed reading a little bit more (The Hunger Games, Twilight, Harry Potter, etc.) I've found myself wanting to read something older like I would have had to read in school.

So Cody and I were at the bookstore the other night, and we found a lot of books that they've reprinted with hardbacks that make them look like the old timey books, so I decided to pick one up.  The one I picked was Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights. 

Let me tell you, after reading and re-reading the first chapter about two or three times, I am totally reminded why I hated reading in high school.

Books like that are so hard to read and understand what they're talking about!  I don't know if I'm just dumb or something, but it takes a lot of brain power for me to read stuff like that and actually enjoy it.  I found several words in just the first chapter that I don't know (and am too lazy to look up in the dictionary).  But I understand what's going on for the most part.  I shall forge on and finish this book...even if it takes me a year.

Surprisingly, I made excellent grades in English.


  1. Oh, I LOVE Wuthering Heights! It's like two books in one: Cathy and Heathcliff in the beginning, then younger folks at the end {generalized to spare you a spoiler!}. I also didn't 'get' it in high school, but gave it a chance in adulthood - I love it now!

  2. Yeah, I think I am enjoying it so far. Glad I'm giving it a chance!
