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16 April 2012

Monday Morning Blues

Can I just have one more day of the weekend please??

I did not want to get out of bed this morning...sleep was just feeling way to comfy to get up.  I guess it doesn't help that I stayed up late last night.  But I didn't even realize it was so late!  Cody and I were watching Army Wives and doing some reading, and then whenever it was over, I looked at the clock and realized it was almost midnight!

Needless to say, I've had a hard time this morning trying to get to work.  And it doesn't help when I find out that the equipment foundation that I've had to re-do about 2 times already has moved yet again, and I now have to include something else into the calc. package!

I'm getting real tired of these stupid foundations!  I am ready to move on to another design.

Ahh, the Monday Morning Blues...

1 comment :

  1. One more day until another Monday. Watch the time tonight. Design changes are a way of life. It keeps you with a job, embrace them.
