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22 November 2011

Birthday Boy...

Well, today is my man Cody's birthday!  When he got to work this morning, these flowers were there for him from the Hotze's (the guy that owns the place that Cody works at).  How awesome is that?  I wish my employer got me flowers on my birthday...

They also gave him a gift card to Zappos, and got lunch for him, and all kinds of other fun stuff!

After work we headed on over to RA Sushi to have some dinner with a few friends.  It was some good times!  And, of course it's not a birthday without some kind of cake, so I made some cup-cakes for Cody last night.  I didn't have time to frost them until after I got home from RA Sushi tonight, so sadly I didn't get to take them to dinner for everyone to have one.

I found the recipe on Glorious Treats, a blog that I have been following for a while.  I even used her cream cheese frosting, and it turned out really good.  The cup-cakes are a little time I'll try putting some apple sauce or something in to make them more moist.  All in all, though I thought they turned out great!

And now my boy's the big 2-4!

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