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27 June 2016

Mygrant Family Vacation, 2016 - Gulf Shores, AL

This year, Stephanie (my sister-in-law) decided that it was about time we went on a Mygrant family vacation.  She found us a cute little beach house in Gulf Shores, AL and last week we rented a van and road-tripped it to the beach!  
All in all, it was a good family vacation.  We logged lots of hours of beach time and somehow managed not to get too sun-burned!  I tried to wake up early each morning and walk along the shore when it was peaceful and calm without a bunch of people (on Thursday, I even ran 3 miles barefoot on the sand which was one of my only goals for the week!!).  I tried to work on my photography skills but I think a lot of my pictures just came out looking a little blurry.  I have since signed up for a photography class on so maybe next time I will be able to play around with it even more.
I also used my niece as the subject of many photos ... she is just so darn cute, it's hard not to take pictures of her.  
Friday morning when I woke up for my walk on the beach, I noticed thousands of sea shells that had been washed up to the shore during the night.  I didn't see this on any of the other mornings that we were there, so I'm not quite sure how they all washed up, but I was able to collect a lot of cool shells that I'm hoping to do some kind of DIY decoration with ... 
Later that morning we loaded up and headed out of town back towards home.  I really have no comment about the road trip home, except for that it was way to long.  But it was made better when Cody sat with Evynn and taught her all about Reveille, Ronald Reagan, Chimpanzees riding on Segues, and tennis to calm her down!
And I finished two books that I had been meaning to read for a while but had never gotten around to, so I guess that was good.
Saturday night was Cody's 10 year high school reunion, so we got to see a lot of our old friends which is always fun.  Joseph and Austin both made it into Sherman also, so on Sunday before everyone hit the road to go home, Cody's parents cooked everyone breakfast by the pool.  My parents (and Staci who just happened to be in town) even came over to chill with us before we left.

By the end of the week, I was definitely ready to get back to my regular eating/exercise routine because I indulged more than usual, and the only exercise I got all week was that Thursday morning run ... but isn't that the point of vacation?  

Oh, and because I am such a nerd, this morning I calculated the total amount of money me and Cody spent on this vacation.  Transportation, housing, food, and souvenirs came out to a grand total of $1,060.  (The budget that I had set was $800, but I forgot to factor in gas money and I think we spent a little bit more on food than I was expecting ...)  Not to bad, I guess.  

It was a great week.

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