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09 November 2012

Hunger Games Special Features

Today I finally got around to watching the special features for The Hunger Games movie.

I've never watched anything like this before where the director actually sits down and discusses basically everything about the whole movie making process, and I found it really interesting!

Who would have known that so much thought and time goes into making a movie...I mean obviously, it takes a lot of thought and time to make a movie, but the amount of detail that goes into every shot is just incredible to me.

I think it's so cool.

The thing that keeps standing out in my mind about people who have made these really successful movies and written all these hit books is that they just started out trying to make something or create some kind of world that made them happy. They weren't thinking of how other people would feel about it, or wondering whether or not anyone would ever even see or hear it - the only thing that mattered is whether or not they were happy with it.

Anyway, I just thought that was neat and wanted to share it and encourage everyone to do something creative today!

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